Huhhh..Another Sunday has arive at my door step, I did not make any plan this week. My car was still at the workshop, so I cannot really go anywhere far.
Some of the GG's riders are going somewhere else, there are looking for an advantures in a far away land. I guess they did found it, probably in
Neverland or Wonderland.
Time to hit the trail solo this time, its been a while... Still I am optimist that I would not be cycling all alone, I might stumble into other riders inside the trail.
I have decided to take the short Hash Trail, I am by myself so it would not be wise to venture too far into the jungle. 15 minutes of riding and I already stumbled into a group of rider. Did not stopped to chat, just waved and go. Meet another 2 riders on the way up the hill. The were much chatier, so had a few words with them.
I notice my climbs are a bit rough, having a hard time to maintain straight line and i keep weavering. Have to do something about it fast, may have to adjust the handling aspect a bit more.
Almost lost control too, hahaha probably my mistakes though. Since my neck injury it still feel a bit stiff a certain angle. Well hopefully everything will be well before PCC. If times permit would like to finish earlier than the last time I enter it. Finger cr0ss.
Have to change the front fork...Revelation 110-140mm, that should do the trick.
atau pun buat blog satu lagi... baby rider..
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