Sunday, June 22, 2008

Welcome to Mr.beskal blogs...

Assalamualikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua...

Selama ini saya cuma membaca blog-blog orang lain dan tidak pernah terfikir untuk menghasilkan sebuah blog sendiri.(writing are definitely not my strong side). Tetapi sejak akhir-akhir ini, saya merasakan aktiviti berbasikal or mtb(mari tolak basikal) nie memerlukan publisiti yang lebih agar dapat menarik minat semua golongan. Muda, tua, lelaki, perempuan, yg sihat, yg kurang sihat kepada sukan berbasikal ini.
So what the heck..lets just give it a try..Kalau salah tue harap maaf.
That guy in the pic is me, hehehe.So that explain my nick a bit..Mr.beskal. I started biking in 1998, and have been riding ever since. My first bike is a Kona. Explosif 16 inch, cromoly tubing, plus with XT groupo. Bought it at RM4.6k...Damn expensive rite? But if u ask me, it is all worth it..Every single cent of that money. For all the places i have seen, all the rides i have enjoyed, all the race i have won n lose, and for the people I have met. That money is nothing compared to my precious friends and experience I have made along the ride I have taken.
What I hope to do in this blog is...Share my little experience with everyone who have the same interest or simply just want to learn more about moutain biking before taking a step in to it. I will try to update this blog as much as i can and share what information I can about moutain biking. Either in maintaince,fitness, injuries, bicycles, Accessories, riding techniques, trails, events and many more.
tips: if your seat is not in the right position your leg does not stretch properly which means less power goes into the pedal and you wont be using all your leg muscles which effect your fitness.
Basikal ni dia ada saiz, sama mcm baju. XS, S, M, L, XL. saiz pula ditentukan ikut ketinggian penunggang. Jadi pastikan anda membeli saiz basikal yang betul dan sesuai dengan tinggi anda. Kalau salah saiz, boleh mengakibatkan masalah jugak. Cam spender lerr, patut pakai L silap beli S...mau xleh nafas wooo.

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